The Maghreb Trilogy of Thrillers is now Complete!

Maghreb trilogy of thrillers imageWith the formal release today of ‘Cause of All Causes’, I have now completed ‘The Maghreb Trilogy’ of thrillers set primarily in North Africa. Of course the story really started with ‘Gate of Tears’ when I discovered the characters.

Discovery is what it was – they were buried somewhere within my subconscious and emerged in the writing. Baldwin and Pavkovic lived (and fought) on after ‘Gate of Tears’, on through The Maghreb Trilogy. And who knows – even after that?

This trilogy of thrillers has been a great set of books to write especially as they have spanned such a rich seam of current world political events, scientific and technological developments.

The research – much of which I have done on location across North Africa, the Mediterranean and Atlantic islands – has been highly enjoyable and I hope that my sense of place has come through in my writing. You can see many of my location shots here on Pinterest.

I have some book offers coming up and if you follow me on Facebook or Twitter then you’ll be the first to know.

Meantime, the writing goes on with another couple of books I have on the go. Watch this space!