Another interveiw yesterday, Thursday, with a regional magazine.
Funny how things turn out – the journalist and I were able to talk about pubs in Mumbles! And yes, his name was Dai.
An interesting and enjoyable session it was, as my publisher was in on the interview too, commenting about the future of publishing in the digital age, and the impact of Kindle. I certainly hope that the future will be golden.
And talking of Kindle, my publisher tells me that the Kindle file upload is now complete and once the Amazon copyright due diligence is done then it should be ready to roll – maybe even this weekend! Amazing – final proof to publication in a matter of days…
I’m having to think hard about this new medium, with the ability to include in the novel live hyperlinks, maps, slideshows, videos and other ‘tech to extend the reader’s Kindle experience. It’s fascinating! There are other e-readers too, but Kindle is the one on everyone’s lips.