We’re Getting There – Book Cover Design Brief

Awake early this morning – I’m in Malta for a few weeks and macho Malta male is up early shooting small birds for sport – pretty much anything that flies. It’s before 6 am and the shotgun blasts in the fields are reverberating round the village. Still, my mind is buzzing!

The cover design for Gate of Tears is in its final version. My publisher, Ezeebooks UK, sent four versions out to a test panel, and the results are in. Interesting approach – the cover needs to be eye catching, yet not have sufficient detail to help people rule it out. Yet some people’s eyes are caught by, say, a ship or plane on the cover. Women  like to see a person or people on a cover. Getting the balance right is tricky.

Then there’s the strapline. After much discussion, we finally opted as follows:

James Marinero
…where gold, greed and intrigue collide

Is the balance right? Time and sales will tell…

I’m hoping to have a final cover image available in a few days, watch out for it!